Thursday, November 21, 2013

Become A MASTER Of Your Trading Strategy

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In this week’s lesson, I am going to share with you a proven technique for becoming a “Master” of your Forex trading strategy. If you’re a regular reader of my blog then you know that I refer to “mastering” your trading strategy in many of my articles, and today’s lesson is going to get into the meat of exactly HOW to master your trading strategy and WHY it’s so important.

Staying focused on one trading method long enough to really learn how to trade it effectively is something that many traders struggle with. Based on my personal experience from observing and helping thousands of traders, the traders who focus on learning one entry trigger or one setup at a time are typically the ones who succeed at trading. Since I am a price action trader and I teach price action trading, I teach my members to focus their attention on learning ONE price action setup at a time, until they feel they’ve “mastered” it, and then they can move on and add more setups to their arsenal.

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